Homemade Rice Puff Cereal – Healthy Breakfast Cereal

Homemade Rice Puff Cereal – Healthy Breakfast Cereal

Homemade Rice Puff Cereal – Healthy Breakfast Cereal


  • Rice puffs 4 cups
  • Nuts of your choice
    • I used Almonds, 15
    • Walnuts, a handful
    • Hazelnuts, a handful
    • Cranberries, a handful
    • Raisins, a handful
  • Coconut Oil 2 tbsp
  • Peanut butter 4 tbsp (optional)
  • Honey 4 tbsp or more to taste


  1. Add rice puffs to a big bowl.
  2. Chop all the nuts into smaller bits.
  3. Dry roast them in a pan on low flame until fragrant and nice golden in color. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  4. In a small bowl add coconut oil, peanut butter and honey.
  5. Heat in a microwave for 1 minute. Mix to form a smooth paste. Allow to cool at room temperature.
  6. Add this to the rice puffs and mix to coat all the puffs evenly.
  7. Lastly, add the nuts, cranberries, raisins etc.
  8. Mix and spread the puffs evenly in big trays if the nuts or the coconut oil mixture is warm.
  9. Once cooled, transfer to air tight container.
  10. To have it in your breakfast, just add room temperature milk to a bowl of rice puff cereals and enjoy immediately.

NOTE 1: You can store the cereal at room temperature for 3 weeks in an airtight container.

NOTE 2: You can omit peanut butter if you are allergic to peanuts. You can also use nut butter of your choice if you do not like peanut butter.

Homemade Rice Puff Cereal – Healthy Breakfast Cereal

Author: Naush


  • Rice puffs 4 cups
  • Nuts of your choice:
  • Almonds 15
  • Walnuts a handful
  • Hazelnuts a handful
  • Cranberries a handful
  • Raisins a handful
  • Coconut Oil 2 tbsp
  • Peanut butter 4 tbsp optional
  • Honey 4 tbsp or more to taste


  • Add rice puffs to a big bowl.
  • Chop all the nuts into smaller bits.
  • Dry roast them in a pan on low flame until fragrant and nice golden in color. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  • In a small bowl add coconut oil, peanut butter and honey.
  • Heat in a microwave for 1 minute. Mix to form a smooth paste. Allow to cool at room temperature.
  • Add this to the rice puffs and mix to coat all the puffs evenly.
  • Lastly, add the nuts, cranberries, raisins etc.
  • Mix and spread the puffs evenly in big trays if the nuts or the coconut oil mixture is warm.
  • Once cooled, transfer to air tight container.
  • To have it in your breakfast, just add room temperature milk to a bowl of rice puff cereals and enjoy immediately.
  • NOTE 1: You can store the cereal at room temperature for 3 weeks in an airtight container.
  • NOTE 2: You can omit peanut butter if you are allergic to peanuts. You can also use nut butter of your choice if you do not like peanut butter.

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