Kairi ki Chutney/ Raw Mango Chutney

Kairi ki Chutney/ Raw Mango Chutney


  • Kairi (raw mangoes) 2 big, cut into 1 inch cubes
  • Fresh Mint 1 handful
  • Fresh coriander 2 handfuls
  • Garlic Cloves 3-4
  • Green chilies 2-3
  • Salt to taste
  • Cumin seeds 1 tsp
  • Ice cubes 3-4
  • Water 1/2 cup (or more if needed)


1. In a blender add ice, water, and everything else except kairi chunks.
2. Blend into amooth paste and then add kairi chunks in batches and keep blending
3. When the chutney is smooth, transfer to a glass jar and refrigerate  up to 2 weeks.
4. Alternatively, you can freeze the chutney in ice cube tray and use as needed.
5. Enjoy!

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