No Egg Healthy Chocolate Mousse

No Egg Healthy Chocolate Mousse


  • Cottage cheese 3 cups
  • Cocoa powder 1/3 cup
  • Brown sugar 1/3 cup (or more as per your taste)
  • Milk 2 cups ( more or less as needed)
  • Instant oats 8 tbsp


  1. I used almost 4 litre of milk to make the cottage cheese. Heat milk to its boiling point. Turn the flame off and add vinegar to curdle the milk.
  2. Drain the liquid from the cottage cheese.
  3. Put this cottage cheese in a blender alongwith cocoa powder brown sugar and 1 cup milk. Blend into smooth thcik milk shake. If needed, add more milk and blend.
  4. Now add oats and blend again until smooth.
  5. Pour ina  serving bowl and refrigerate “Overnight”.
  6. Before serving top with choco chips or dark chocolate shavings and enjoy!

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