Parsley Lime Sauce

Parsley Lime Sauce

Parsley Lime Sauce


  • Parsley 1 bunch
  • Lime 1
  • Garlic cloves 3-4 or as per taste
  • Jalapenos 2 tbsp
  • Yogurt 1 cup
  • Salt 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin powder 1/2 tsp
  • Black pepper powder to taste



  1. Add chopped parsley, garlic, lime juice, jalapenos, salt, cumin powder, black pepper powder, sugar and yogurt in a blender and blend coarsely.
  2. Serve and enjoy!

Parsley Lime Sauce​

Author: Naush


  • Parsley 1 bunch
  • Lime 1
  • Garlic cloves 3-4 or as per taste
  • Jalapenos 2 tbsp
  • Yogurt 1 cup
  • Salt 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin powder 1/2 tsp
  • Black pepper powder to taste


  • Add chopped parsley, garlic, lime juice, jalapenos, salt, cumin powder, black pepper powder, sugar and yogurt in a blender and blend coarsely.
  • Serve and enjoy!

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