Pineapple Salad

Pineapple Salad

Pineapple Salad


  • Green apple 1
  • Pineapple half
  • Mango 1
  • Boiled chick peas 1/2 to 1 cup
  • Mint 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Chili Sauce 1 tbsp or to taste


  1. Cut and clean the pineapple.
  2. Peel the mango.
  3. Chop up the apple (do not peel), pineapple and mango into small chunks and add to a bowl.
  4. Add chickpeas, salt and chili sauce.
  5. Finely chop the mint leaves and add to the salad.
  6. Mix everything and serve cold.
  7. Enjoy!

Pineapple Salad

Author: Naush


  • Green apple 1
  • Pineapple half
  • Mango 1
  • Boiled chick peas 1/2 to 1 cup
  • Mint 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Chili Sauce 1 tbsp or to taste


  • Cut and clean the pineapple.
  • Peel the mango.
  • Chop up the apple (do not peel), pineapple and mango into small chunks and add to a bowl.
  • Add chickpeas, salt and chili sauce.
  • Finely chop the mint leaves and add to the salad.
  • Mix everything and serve cold.
  • Enjoy!

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