Puff Pastry Chocolate Toffee

Puff Pastry Chocolate Toffee


  • Puff pastry square sheets 4
  • Chocolate sticks (kitkat, kinder beuno or Cadbury) 4 sticks
  • Icing Sugar as needed
  • Chocolate syrup as needed


  1. Roll the puff pastry into thin squares.
  2. Put a chocolate stick and roll the puff pastry like a toffee.
  3. Bake or air fry according to the package instructions.
  4. Allow to come to room temperature and then drizzle icing sugar on top.
  5. Lastly, top it off with chocolate syrup.
  6. Enjoy!

Puff Pastry Chocolate Toffee

Author: Naush


  • Puff pastry square sheets 4
  • Chocolate sticks kitkat, kinder beuno or Cadbury 4 sticks
  • Icing Sugar as needed
  • Chocolate syrup as needed


  • Roll the puff pastry into thin squares.
  • Put a chocolate stick and roll the puff pastry like a toffee.
  • Bake or air fry according to the package instructions.
  • Allow to come to room temperature and then drizzle icing sugar on top.
  • Lastly, top it off with chocolate syrup.
  • Enjoy!

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