Tangy Carrot Garlic Chutney

Tangy Carrot Garlic Chutney

Tangy Carrot Garlic Chutney


  • Carrots 1 cup, grated
    Garlic cloves
    Salt to taste
  • Red chili powder to taste
  • Lemon juice 6-7 tbsp 



  1. Combine all the ingredients and blend in a mixer to a fine paste.
  2. Store in an air-tight container in refrigerator and use as required

Tangy Carrot Garlic Chutney

Author: Naush


  • Carrots 1 cup grated
  • Garlic cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Red chili powder to taste
  • Lemon juice 6-7 tbsp


  • Combine all the ingredients and blend in a mixer to a fine paste.
  • Store in an air-tight container in refrigerator and use as required

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